Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

r' ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT ASTD CHUOKICLEs WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9. 1885. 3 4 town of Ontario. The contest for the sher Ada C. Fisher left last week to resume ASTERN NEW YORK NEWS ONE CENT A WORD ONE CENT A WORD her duties as teacher in St.

Louis high school. CNE iffship is less spirited. There are seven candidates in as many different towns, and, with the possibla exceptions of George Jeffers, of PARTS PU RE Her brother George J. Fisher went with her to enter the St. Louis Manual Training BchooL MACE FROM PURE71 Hose, and llliani Uillett, of (ialen, each WORDEN'S SHELL OYSTER HOUSE TOMPKINS.

-The marriage of Gardner Bown, of Fair- ERAPtCSfAMOF TARTAR will have solid delegations from port, to Miss Bertha Bruner, of the same xl SODA if Advertisem*nts under this heading, of For Sale, To Let, Wants, Lost, Found, Boarding, Personal, Society Meetings, Miscellaneous inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, each respective towns. Mr. Gillett is an intimate friend of ex-Judge Cowles, and be- VWOTH IN G.ELBE Advertisem*nts under this heading, of For Sale, To Let, Wants, Lost, Found, Bearding, Personal, Society Meetings, Miscellaneous, inserted for ONE CENT A WORD, each insertion. No Advertisem*nt less than 15c. place, is announced for Thursday, the 11th inst.

These young folks are weli known in Fairport and have the best wishes of hosts of Trumansburg academy opens with a ue attendance. The new high school building at Ithaoa dedicated on Monday. ponntv teachers institute ine unwilling to antagonize that gentleman WILL CDHVINCEroil te in his canvass for judge, will not contest the friends. town of Galen, as has been stated in the fc5i3NO LIME NO mm Rev. R.

R. Davies and family have re une .4 week at Ithaca, witu Professors Season of 1885-6 AToto Open Great Inducements Whole Beds of Oysters Low Prices is Our Motto. as con- i ti r. sanioru nutt turned to their home in Fairport. Mr.

Davies spent his vacation mostly among the Adiron-dacks, aDd gave an exceedinzlv interesting press, mere seems to De very mue interest in the canvass for county treasurer, although there are seven or eigtit candidates, among whom are Dr. A. F. Sheldon, the present doc tort. LOOK AT THE PRICES.

Insertion. No Advertisem*nt less than 15c. FOR SALE AND TO RENT. Houses lor Sale. FOR SALE OR RENT.

A NEW COTTAGE ON Vose-st. with 8 rooms, water, Apply to F. VOSE. 54 State street. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.

NEW 8 ROOM house, with all modern improvements; No. 23G South avenue. Rent, $6 per week. (Large, fat Oyster incumbent, James lley, of Savannah account of incidents of the trip at the missionary meeting in the chapel on Tuesday ORLEANS. Fullor has broken ground for a illiam Kreutzer, of Lyons Hon.

A. V. 15c 2rc 25c 30c evening. J. B.

Gates, of Macedon, and Philip "Watson, of -The Fairport Union school ODened Mon Splendid Oyster Fry Delicious Box Stew Elegant Boston Stew Boasted, Broiled, at same low prices, TAKE OYSTERS HOME. Small opened N. Y. Oysters (auartl Everybody who has any want to supply, anything to buy or to sell, any business or accommodations to secure; indeed, any wish to gratify, should advertise in this column. It will save him money, time and trouble for, with the vast circulation of the Democrat and Chronicle, reaching the best citizens of the community, the advertiser is sure of attain-ing his object more economically and more quickly than through any other medium.

eW Mock in Holley. Ira Mwaros f--Snp new block on the east of the WUP inin. him on the Huron. for district attorney trie canvass has narrowed down to E. II.

Kellogg, of day with an increased number of pupils. fe anu air. uU. AVolcott; Charles F. Saxton, of Clyde, and 40c mi v.i..r- n-itn iuo Mirth.

inese There are some changes in the corps of teachers, of whom eight are employed. Professor Downing is still at the helm as princi Charles II. Ray, of Lyons. The only can will inaso rar of the Buell block, OR SALE. ON EAST AVENUE AND VICIN- didate for the assembly, the second district, 27 Osbun Small Counts 65c Medium K.

Y. Counts (hundred) 75c Large Princess Bay Counts (hundred) fl 25 Larpe Claras. Little Neck Clams. Scollops and other Shell Fish, All Ovater Opened Fresh from the Shell. el the square very attractive.

pal, miss uoieman, of Akron, is the is B. H. Davis, of Palmyra, who is beauti and lots from to $40,000, Including some new preceptress. The temperance camp mee ti'iinn fully supported at home and in Lyons and new modern houses tiiht. Tnenieeub i Marion.

In the first diserict the followins The concert in Fairoort criven bv Pro Bms-- LOST. are candidates John A. Boyd, George Catch- fessor S. P. Robbins.

on Tuesdav evenine. of failure, in the Pane and the cold pole, James H. Hyde and illiam P. Camp was deservedly a marked success. The church was crowded and the audience gave bell.

weather began on Bunuy tne Sunday iono-. -a meetinCs have -T10R SALE. ON SOUTH AVENUE, BRICK I' house, 10 rooms, front and rear stairs, water and gas, large barn on alley, lot 87x150 feet, only $5, 000, first payment $2, 000. MORLE Osbura House Block. FOR SALE.

TO THOSE WHO ARE LOOK-ing for a good home. A 2 story frame house nearly new, in first-class condition; 15 minutes walk from four corners on an improved street. A small cash payment taken and long time to pay the balance. Apply on premises. 51 Broadway.

STEUBEN. frequent expressions of gratification. Professor Robbins was assisted by his nieces, the Misses Clackner, of Rochester, whose music and elocution were of the finest order, and 7 rtZTpoke'toaverysmaUau. dience on Saturday last. LaFayette Smith lost a valuable horse OST.

A BLACK AND WHITE SETTER PUP, JLj 6 months old. The finder will be liberally rewarded by returning him to GEO. ZLMMER, 206 lit. Hope avenue. -TOTICE.

THE GENTLEMAN WHO FOUND 1A the $5 gold piece in car 83, Lake-ave. line, will have the kindness to return the same to this office and receive pay for his WANTS. by having a steam engine of a thresher IK. NOT OFFERED BY GROCERS fall on it, being tipped over on the alley also by W. A.

Sproul, cornetist of the Fifty-fourth regiment band, the Misses Carpenter, WYOMING. road at Bonney Hill. ot JPenfleld, and others. a t. a meeting of the Warsaw Water Send 50? mstai pSfcrMpoundfre Hop picking has commenced this week, rk Mmmnv held on Monday it was On Monday afternoon about 4 o'clock, with the prospects of a good crop.

Several to lav the pipes on Wyoming street as on the farm of John Kngham, which Is situ 17OR SALE. AN ELEGANT RESIDENCE with barn and outhouses in the village jC Brockport; three minutes' walk from the depot; thirty minutes from Rochester on the N. Y. C. R.

R. House new and contains all modern improvements. Lot 132x220 feet, perfectly graded. Brt fruit ana shade trees. Will be sold cheap.

Terms easy. new yards are being picked (or their first Help Male. season, with a fine yield. far north as Mr. Brewers.

William B. Lawrence, Post G. A. noi.viiin. will hold a picnic and camp- ated some eight or nine miles northeast or Brockport, occurred a terrible accident which resulted in the death of Allen E.

Kiesler, a "TT" ANTED. AT ONCE, A GOOD BARBER. Address EMIL SOL1ER, Post-office Box H. C. Garnsey, of Bath, who for some time has been connected with the First iOi, Ithaca, N.

Y. Address Post-office Box 73, Brockport, or 179 Powers Block, Rochester. farm hand 22 years of age. He had gone upon the table of a thrashing machine to do National bank, has gone to Portland, Oregon, fire in William Bristol's orchard on the afternoon and evening of Friday the 11th pv A. F.

Pierce, of Warsaw, is where he has secured a situation. William ll. xoung, ot Batn, mourns 'ALL GOODS as orator of the day and speeches "TTT" ANTED. GOOD COAT PRESSERS; NONE but practical men need apply. ROCHES-TER DYEING CO.

TT" ANTED. A COMPETENT CLERK IN THE calico deoartment of a drv goods house in Houses to Let. TO LET. HOUSES, FLATS ROOMS AND stores. H.

S. BALLOU, 130 Monroe-ave. a little work needed there, for they were thrashing that day, when in stepping back he fell into the machinery. The machine was stopped as soon as possible and the un the death of his youngest son, Mortimer J. -iii .1 he made bv Rev.

Matt. Gaffuey of who died Thursday morning, September 3d. Col. Sam Johnson, of War this city. Address B.

H-, this office. The funeral occurred Sunday, September 3d, fortunate man taken out horribly mangled. saw and others. A soldier's picnic was held t.hflRame grounds in 1832, as the boys USE ONLY BROOKLYN White Lead Perfectly Pure White Lead. The WHITEST and BEST MADE LEAD.

For sale by all dealers and made onlj by BROOKLYN WHITE LEAD CO, O.Uca lS'i front Stresst. bt Yf'. One limb was entirely torn off. Medical aid TO LET. CORNER MOUNT HOPE AVENUE and Hamilton place; gas and water; rent $4.

TO LET. HOUSE; AND VACANT LOT FOR sale at 87 Chestnut street. Apply on premises. Beecher Mead, of Greenwood, a well liked young man, has accepted the position and Win VU to welcome home HelD Female. SECOND GIRL AT References required.

was summoned at once but it was of no avail, and he died within an hour. His funeral will take place Wednesday morning ANTED. 165 LAKE were about leaving for another one in 1865, those who returned. of principal in a large school in Portland, avenue. Oregon, and goes there this week to begin at 11 o'clock.

his work. A SECOND PRESSER AND A "We are receiving daily our Fall I "TAbmf0i The cool wet weather is good for buck Purdy's Opera-house In Bath has been hole maker, at liH North Clinton-st. SENECA. TO LET. A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSH on Gregory street.

Inquire at 77 North Fita-hugh-st. TO LET. SMALL HOUSE OFF ATKINSON" street, near Ford; rent S2.75. Inquire at 3( Adams street. wheat and it is filling well and promises to engaged for a year the Salvation army, Stock of The TJnson school at Waterloo began on WANTED.

ONE FIRST-CLASS HAND ON fine coats. Inquire at 4 up stairs. and they commenced their efforts to save the Honday for the fall term without any change be a good crop. Potatoes are rotting badly on the low lands and even on the sandy Boil of Chestnut Ridge in Chill the rot is doing town on Sunday. The Bath people are not In the corps ol teacners.

particularly well pleased at their invasion, WANTED. A FIRST-CLASS WAITER FOR clkiing-room, at LIEDERS Hotel Bruns Vrs. William Hunt died at the home of but it is hoped that some good will result. wick. her husband, in Waterloo, on Sunday after much damage.

But If potatoes are poor on account of the wet season, the apple crop, especially in young orcharsd, was never as TO LET. STORY AND A HALF COTTAGE. 84 Scio near Main. Apply at RUNDEL'S Art Gallery, 9 West Main-st. or at S6 Scio-at.

TO LET. HOUSES, ROOMS; ALSO FUR-nished rooms, stores, offices and shops, front George Miller, of Woodhull, was driving L. C. TOWER Brocaded Velvets! noon. She had been ill for a long time.

a young horse on Monday, and the rain be T7" ANTED. A GIRL 12 ORU YEARS OF AGE, to mind baby, at 270 East Main-st. room Railroad freight shipments from Water No. 12. gan to fall.

Mr. Miller raised an umbrella, and frightened the horse so that it ran away, loo during August were 1, 0S9 tons, which is a vast increase over those of the preceding WANTED. A FIRST CLASS MACHINE hand on pants, at corner North avenue overturning the carriage, breaking it badly, $1.50, $2. $3 to $7 a week. L.

E. MORLE 1, 43 Osburn House. TO LET. BRICK HOUSE NO. 29 containing 8 rooms, with teas, hot and cold water, bath room, water closet, wash tubs and month.

and hurting Mr. Miller quite seriously. The good before in a long time. On account of the wet season, the apples both fall and winter, are large and of fine quality. While others have some fine orchards, John Snow's and Stephen Angell's take the lead.

Mr. Angell's orchard is especially noticeable, the limbs sweepimg the ground with the weight of fruit. It is on an incline facing the north- and Delevan street. SILKS, i 40 Exchange Street, (One Door from Swing Bridge), MANUFACTURER horse was not caught before it reached home, The barn of Mr. Monroe in Romulus was destroyed by fire on Sunday night.

Loss not ascertained. There was an insurance on the furnace, ail good order. Apply at a uan-st. The Casino at Bath, which has for some WANTED. A WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS the making of boy's clothing.

Over 63 East Main street, room 8. months been undergoing exthnsive improve kurned property. TO LET OR FOR SALE. THE DESIRABLE property No. 253 Monroe avenue, next to corner of Alerander-st.

possession given immediate ments attending the reconstruction of the Fred Clark and Miss Mabel Doming, of building into an opera house, was opened to DRESS GOODS! OF ly it desired. Apply on the premises or at tint office. WANTED. TWO YOUNQ GIRLS, ONE TO help in kitchen, the other to do dining room work. Apply at 186 Mill street.

TWO FIRST-CLASS TAILOR the public Friday and Saturday evenings, September 4th and 5th, bv the McDowell comedy company in the Private Secre esses to work on coats and a man to press. eat and is sheltered from the southeast winds. The trees are set two rods apart and are twenty-two years old. Mr. Snow will have a thousand barrels, and Mr.

Angell nearly as many. Apples are late in maturing this year, but are large and fair, and if we have a warm September they will be finely colored. At a regular communication of the Clio lodge, North Parma, No. 779, F. and A.

Rooms to Let. TO LET. -A LARGE FURNISHED FRONT room over 161 East Main-st. tary' and Wedding Bells. Inquire over 73 East room 6.

1T7" ANTED. 24 DINING-ROOM GIRLS, 3 cooks and girls for general work. Best of An excursion will be run toNiagara Falls via the Delaware, Lackawann and Western lO LET. ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFUR- JERSEYS. PURE CANDIES WH0LESLE MO RETAIL waes paid.

MON, 22 Markle block. nished, suitable for gentlemen, at 34 South railroad, September 1 6th, under the auspices Ford street. Beneca Falls, were married by Rev. A. L.

Btinard, assisted by Rev. Gilbert Travis, at the M. P. parsonage in Waterloo, on Sunday afternoon. An excursion to Ithaca on Cayuga lake will be given by the Young People's Association of the Waterloo Presbyterian church on Tuesday next, September 15th.

Round trip fare from Cayuga 50c. A fire company from Waterloo visited Clifton Springs last Friday and captured a 120 prize. They were the 4 Senecas' or running team of No. 4's company. Their time was 3S seconds, and they are getting to be a fast team.

of the Rescue Hook and Ladder company of M. held at their lodge room September 1st, WANTED. IMMEDIATELY, YOUNG GIRLS to work by the day. Work pleasant and committee was appointed to report resolu LET. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS ight.

Call at 204 South Fittthugh street. without board, in a small private family; loca tions on the death of George Winship, who had for many years been a member of the Bath. The special train will start from Corning. The complete success attending every particular of their former excursion warrants all who desire to attend an enjoyable time. STED.

FIVE DINING ROOM GIRLS. 4 cooks. 11 for general homework: also situ- order. The committee reported the follow firls. UNION Employ- ing: WRAPS, FALL UNDERWEAR, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, FINEST MARSEILLES QUILTS, ment Association, 22 Mart bis Block, over 140 East tion central.

51 Clinton place. TO IN OSBURN HOUSE BLOCK suitable for dressmaking purposes. Apply at the office of SIBLEY, LINDSAY CURR. rpO LET. A PLEASANT BAsem*nT CON-1 sisting of five rooms and cellar.

Terms moderate to a good tenant. Apply at new No. 75 Wherks. In the manifestation of his infinite Rochester, N. Y.

mercy it has pleased the reat all Father to remove from Our midst, from our dally associations and ANTED. YOUNG LADIES IN CITY OR country to work for us at their homes: fas SAM'L SLOAN, Plumbing! Steam and Gas Fitting and Gas Fixtures. BLANKETS, from the tender care or loving rneuas, our wen beloved brother, friend and fellow citizen; be it, therefore. Resolved, That la the loss of Brother George Winship our organization mourns the departure of cinating employment no instructions to buy work can be sent by mail (distance no objection); 6 to $9 per week can be made; no canvassing; particulars free, or sample of work mailed for four cents in LET. SUITES OF ROOMS FOR LIGHT Ti housekeeping in pleasant private house, 443 stamps.

Please address HOME MANUFAuTUR- Exchange-st. Inquire of THOS. BUTTON, No. 41 one wno, lor many years, uasmaae niuiaeu, uy hui many um-ful acts of kindness, an ornament to the snp.ietv with which he waa banded, a useful mem UU Boston, Mass. r.

O. Box 101B. Arcade. CATTARAUGUS. Annual lair of the Conewango Valley tssociation wUl occur at Conewango next week.

Hiram Hall, aged about 55 years, was kiU-1 at Franklinville last week by a gravel p.t caving in upon him. He was a widower And leaves eight children. EofJ. C. V.

B. Barse, of Olean, will come Sel'jrelhe senatorial convention for this dis-uzt as a Republican candidate for senator. No. 25 Exchange Street, Rochester, H. T.

Situations Male. ONTARIO. The last of the Naples cottagers at Can-andaigua lake returned to town on Monday. Messrs. Frank and John Hotchkiss, of Rochester, are visiting in Naples, their native village.

The Naples grape growers are beginning to market their crops, which is unusually large and of fine quality. At the Baptist church, Phelps, last Sunday, a native American preached an Instructive and interesting sermon. He is a student in Rochester and is fitting himself for missionary work. The Republican town committee, of Ontario, have issued a call for a caucus on Sat ber of the community which he resided ana a Christian eentleman in hours of affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions, as a slight testimony of the esteem in which we held our beloved Stores to Let.

TO NO. 18 SUIT, able for anv kind of jobbing purposes. In- quire of BREWSTER, GORDON 158 East Main street. 135 WANTED. POSITION AS FOREMAN OF shoe factory.

Practical in all departments. Address Box I'M, Rochester. brother, be entered upon me reoorus oi our bocicij that copies cf the same be forwarded, as an ex- Sression of our condolence, to the members of the imily of our deceased brother. YOUR HARNESS, YOUR BUGGY TOPS, Your Boots Shoes, ANTED. SITUATION BY A PRACTICAL SAVE WITH" rpO LET.

STORE NO. 59 Tailor and Cutter. Several years experi-W. A. POTTER, 51 North tot.

Paul street, floors above and floors over No. 61. Inquire) JL N. A special sale this Resolved, That copies nereor do lorwaraeu tor publication in the Rochester Democrat xkd Chhon-iglx and the Rochester Post-Express, of WILLIAM B. LEE, 1 Monroe County Saving BY USING THE CELEBRATED BY USING 1 "CM" A VNTPT.

TIN. tirANTED. -ENERGETIC MAN OF BUSINESS Ol IVlilV luiinx' yy ability requires situation as book-keeper or W. W. WILLdAHS, E.

A. CROSS, SAMUEL, HOLMAN. if II A'l salesman; good references. box ssj, Pittstora. urday.

SeDtember 12th. at 1 o'clock In the vaouum Harness derweab at value, Bans: Budding. si TO LET. THE FIRST-CLASS COMMERCIAL) building Nos. 49, SI, 63 and 55 North St.

Paul street, corner of Mortimer, now occupied by L. P. Ross and Levi Schwartz, will be for rent, Nos. 49 and 51 from October 1, 1885, and Nos. 53 and 53 from January 1, 1SS6.

The whole building, 62 feet front on North St. Paul street, will be rented to ona afternoon, at Booth's hall, Ontario Center, -BY A YOUNY MAN OF EXPERI- "ITT" AN TED. ence. i when delegates w.ll be elected to attend the Address J. The press throughout the district speaks very highly of him, and the delegates thus far chosen in this county are in his favor.

Barse Hose, No. 15, of Olean, has accepted an invitation to participate in the fire-tnens' parade at Wells villa the 15th, as the guests of the Duke Frotectives. The company will on that day carry for the first time the handsomest and costliest banner in the state, recently presented by ladies of Olean. Citizens' Hose company of Olean is soon to occupy new quarters in the new town hall. For the purpose of procuring funds to well recommended by last employer.

A Fisher Cat. From the Westchester Village Record. Mrs. Anna Allison, residing at the Willow district and assembly conventions for the 2d district of Wayne cnunty, besides those WALLACE, this omce. 'ANTED.

A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE party or divided into two or more stores as may be required. GEO. W. ARCHER, No. 5 North Water street.

who attend the county convention. -The Naples union school opened on Mon Strengthens the Fibres, Prevents Rotting of the Leather, Saves its cost 100 times. Prevents Shabbiness (yPur the GENUINE from your Harness maker VACUUM OIL CO. a situation writing after 4 p. m.

Salary Glenn Mills Pennsbury township, Is the owner of a black cat that has acquired the remarkable habit of catching fish, for a liv not so much of an object as Good references given if required. Inquire at 46 Allen-st. day with the promise, under Prof. Sprague's successful administration, of a very large at tendance. Miss Laura Sprague is transferred ing, and has become so expert at the business of catching them that it seldom misses a fish that it makes a plunge into the water after.

Situations Female. from the primary department to the acad FOR SALE. Real Estate. "OOR SALE. ONE OF THE FINEST LOTS OH k' Avenue A.

Vickpark; but short distance fronx ANTED. SITUATION BY A GENERAL JACKSON'S, 1 emy, to till the place of Miss Peck, who goes blacksmith. Call at AS. For quite a long time previous to a few weeks ago the cat had persistently refused StuMson street. to Fairport, and Miss Mary Cheesbro, of Li East avenue and on west side of the street.

F. Positive vonia, takes a position in the primary de 'ANTED. -BY A YOUNG LADY, SITUA- tionas book-keeperor to write in an office. partment. KINGSLEY, Real Estate Broker, 4a Arcade.

TTOR SALE THE NORTH AMERICAN HOTEL: lj corner State and Rochester, N. furnish the rooms a benefit entertainment will be given the ICth. It will consist of a drill by the company's drill corps, a game of polo between the Excelsiors, of Olean, and the Toronto, Canada, team, champions of Canada, and a concert by the "Whitney band. The Prohibition party, or rather a few stragglers, held what they termed a county convention at Salamanca, last Friday, at which meeting candidates for county oiHcers were nominated. A collection wa3 taken up Address this office.

The contract for putting steam heating apparatus in St. Johns Episcopal church, IT ANTED. BY A LADY HAVING NO. 2 i in whole or part large lot. inquire ot owners on the premises.


Canandaigua, was on Monday night awarded Remington trpe-wriier, a position as Sten ographer; will wort tor moderate salary. Address SHORTHAND, this office. to William M. Gardner, of that place, for 1 500. The system proposed combines food ot any kind that the family had offered it, and Mrs.

Allison and the rest of the members of her household wondered not a little where the cat could be fed, which it certainly must be, as it retained a perfectly healthy condition. One day, about three weeks ago, however, the entire mystery was cleared up suddenly and unexpectedly by the cat being observed to make a dive into the mill race close by the house and reappear in a short time with a good-sized fish in its mouth, which it at Miscellaneous. MEDIC AT FA FOR TREATMENT Of HEMORRHOIDS both direct and indirect radiation and Bargains OR SALE. CHEAP. HANDSOME NEW "VTL- comolete floor Dine system.

When finished lage Cart. Apply at S-'3 avenue. for the purpose of defraying the campaign expenses and the enormous sum of 48 was raised, which is an indication that they do Agents and Canvassers. "ITT" ANTED. AGENTS FOR THE MOST TJSE-W ful article ever invented; sells at siijht; live agents coining money.

Information of J. Q. it will undoubtedly be the best heated build More than twenty-five per cent of its weight is due to the best remedialj agents known to the profession, byj ing in town. TTIOR SALE. A LARGE BASS DRUM IX JlJ good condition.

Apply at South Washing- campaign' on a large scale not propose to LocKport, n. x. The Democrats of Canandaigua met in ton-st. this fall. whom it is conceded tnai in incorporating them with Toilet Paper there once proceeded to devour.

Since then it has caucus Tuesday afternoon and selected the -I-IOR SALE FIRST-CLASS PHAETON. IN "TTT" ANTED. AGENTS. ADDRESS ELECTRIC Lamp and Stove St. Louis, for circular, cuts and terms of 56 candle power Marsh a certainty ot sppucation anu ueuc-it otherwise unattainable.

Unsoliei- Jj pood condition, at a bargain. Apply at 44 often been seen springing from a foot bridge over the stream into the water and catching fish, which form its entire diet. WAYNE. R. Jolley.

principal of public school orth Goodman street. Electric Lamp. 3d II, lottra tpHtifv to its remarkaoie Call And See! curative properties. One thousand, sheets contain more of these remedies than any fifty-cent package of 'Pile Ointment. Each roll is securely Miscellaneous.

-A DOG, BLACK AND TAN, WELL H. D. HATHA WAY, S3 North following delegates to their county convention which is to send delegates to the September couvention Alexander Grieve, William Powers, George S. Hickox, John J. Duyer, Clarence Meade, John O'Leary, William F.

Stannard, and Charles M. Coyle. It is understood that they favor the nomination of Governor Hill. The convention meets on Thursday. The death of John B.

Robertson, of Can FOR SALE. -A NEARLY NEW BREWSTER Spring Top Buggy; also two single Harness, for want of use. H. D. HATHAWAY, 66 Souta Washington street.

BUSINESS CHANCES. "TTT-ANTED. broke. IIale' II oner the groat Conch cars, Clean's Salpkur Soap heals and beautifies, 250. GernuanCorn Re mover Hiirs Hair and Whisker Dye Black A Brown, 80a Plan's Toot ache Drops care in 1 Dean's Rheumatic rills ars a sure curs, 60a ater street.

wrapped in Tin Foil, and where it can-, innt li nrnonred of the Trade, we will GOOD SIZE, FOR SIX -T ANTED. HOUSE. Io. 1 at Greenbush, Kensselaer county, is visiting friends in Clyde, and on Monday his little son narrowly escaped being killed by a runaway horse. Malcon Little, Hugh L.

Rose and De-Lancy Stow have been selected as lay delegates from St. John's Episcopal church at Clyde to the Diocesan council, which will convene at St. Peter's church at Geneva on Tuesday, Sept. 15th. Nathan Stevens, the oldest citizen in the months.

Name price, locatiou, size, and Deliver Free on receipt of price. Address GREEN'S Nursery. City barn. -TTIOR OF CONFECTIONERY JL' and cigars, business fixtures and lunch tables. Cheap Splendid bargain.

Call or address East Avenue. OR 6 ROOMS HOUSE OF 5 1000 EhMLBolliOjuJ Sample Packet 10 tU. (1 T.yon Geo. R. Zimmerman.

C. f. Psine A Co. Kowley Taylor, a O. J.

J. A. Bryan. within 35 minutes' walk of Osburn House Block; rent not to exceed $4 per week. Address 80 Locust street.

City. jWnh Post. A K. Mande vllle Jt Co. I When Baby -was sick, -we Rave her CASTOEIA, When she waa a Child, she cried for ASTORIA, kJ.

Cooper. Currau a. Ooler. andaigua. occurred at the family residence on Tuesday morning, September 8th.

Mr. Robertson was a gentleman very highly esteemed in Ontario couniy, where he was well known. He had been for some years president of the village of Canandaigua and was one of its most useful citizens. His character for prudence and integrity was unquestioned and he will be greatly missed in the community. He leaves a family consisting of two sons and three daughters.

ROOMS AND BOARD. BUSH BULL When she became Miss, she clung to CASTOEIA, When she had Children, she gave tham ASTOIUA. 17OR SALE. AN ESTABLISHED FANCY goods and confectionery store, doing a good business; good reason given for selling. Address this olilce, 4ti73 WANTED.

A FOREMAN ON A HORSE AND cattle ranch in Montana wants to correspond, with some party who has from S8. 000 to 12, 000 to invest in cal tie; SO per cent, protit. For full particulars address WALLACE HUMPHREYS, Fort Shaw, Montana. ITERRY'S BOARDING HOUSE, 78 PLYMOUTH avenue. Good table board at per week.

ITIOR PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD GO TO 32 Clinton place; location central and house 144 148 East Main-St, modern. NY WELL RATED BUSINESS HOUSE IN A SPECIAL SALE city or country, with banking faculties, who mWO PERSONS MAY HAVE GOOU KUO.U JL and board in private modern house. No. Ill GRAPOLI may be embarrassed or desirous ot obtaining South union streei. temporary accommodation on ineir paper can se cure same by addressing Absolutely Confidential, As in the tronics the natives rely entirely on the STUDENTS OR TEACHERS WILL FIND GEN- Box 8517, New York.

i OF fruit ax ail exterminator of disease, the medical fraternity have indorsed Urapoline as tilling thn s1 MONROE. Fairport canning factories are very busjr. Julia Reilly, an employe of P. Cox's shoe factory in Fairport, was stricken with paralysis at that place last Sunday. The Baptist association is to meet at Fairport October 5 th, and the occasion is expected to bo oue of special interest.

teel rooms, with or without board, at moder ate rates, at 13S Nortn avenue. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES' village of Clyde, died at half-past 7 o'clock oa Tuesday morning, at the residence of George B. Taylor, at the age of 90 years. The funeral will be attended at the place where he died, at 4 o'clock on Thursday atternoon.

The Republican caucus for the town of Calen will be held at the town hall in Clyde at 3 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, at which time there will be selected five delegate to each of the conventions, the assembly, district and county, yet to be called, and to attend to such other business as may be brought before it. The interest taken in local politics in Wayne county this season is unprecedented. In all parts of the county the subject is almost the only topic of conversation, where -ever several citizens are gathered together. The approaching town caucuses are attracting an unuual interest among the Republicans. This is due to the unusually large number of candidates for nomination at Republican county and assembly conventions, and to the many local offices to be fi led at the next election.

In the eastern district of Wayne county ex-Judge George W. Cowles Is making a very promising canvass for the county judgeship. He has already secured several delegates from W'olnott lonp-looKea ror aesiueraiura ior ine cure ana reiier of all affections arising from a disordered condition of the system, as dyspepsia, htartburn, headache, costiveness, Hatulency, sickness of the stomach, Sold by all druggists. A. H.

ROGKRS rriO LET. SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS WITH JL board; hot and cold water and bath; references exchanged; call mornings. 50 South Clinton street. -T AINY, CLOUDY WEATHER IS THE BEST for FURMAN to take pictures in 1'roprietors, Ueneseo, N. x.

Wholesale Auts, AND lor babies). J. F. rAlNE At UU. 13i Four hay presses are now at work in the vicinity of Chili station and two car loads of TiOOMSWITH rjKrill.air5r.rl rr0 LOAN.

MONEY IN ANY AMOUNT ON real and personal property. Apply at No. It) IV 1st, very desirable front room with board; CHILDREN'S hay are shipped dally to new York. gentlemen; American Express Building, htate-st. also room for 8 or 4 young ladies or everything first class.

6 Chestnut-st. 3. Mrs. Marietta Wheeler, wife of Charles Wheeler, editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, is viaitincr at her fathers. Stephen Ancells.

of PERSONAL. flflfl flflft SEVEN PER CENT. REAL tate Mortffa*gfss secured by the Kansas Loan and Trust Company in 12 years without one dollar's Ions. Interest paid semi-annually. R3EBVQUS DEBILITY Premature Decline from errors or ext-psaes.

Lost Power. Diseases of the Kidneys, Hlud-iler, and Prostate Uland Cl ltKl) without Hlomai-h Medicines by ihe Manaoii Bolus. ieocele cured without surgery. Treatise and testimonials free. All correspondence conrStlPritinl.

MAK3T0N EEMEDY or DE. H. TRESK0W, 46 West 14th 6treet, KEW YORK. SuitsiFall Wraps W51 P. HAWKINS, Agent, 8State-st, Chili.

Quite a number of Fairport Prohibitionists attended the convention at Syracuse this PERSONAL. MADAME aiAtlz.1, 1 11 fortune teller, at room 5, 80 West Hain-st. Hours from 2 to 9 p. m. Price 50c.

CROWN RED LEAD CO. week. Some of them are accompanied by FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. 1 FLORIDA AND THE GREAT LAKE APOPKA. The "South Apopka limes, published October 1st, pives full information about that celebrated section; only 60c a year; valuable information for a neighborhood.

Address SOUTH APOP General City Tax for 1885-Notice their wives. Strictly pure, ground in pure linseed oil not to settle or harden. This Lead City tre.ascrer office, Koch est Kit. N. July 1.

18S5. Rev. Mr. Seeley has returned from his four weeks' vacation in the St. Lawrence KA PUBLISHING O-co-ee, Orange County, D.A.WIGHTMAN will always be reliable in its paste form.

This is faA t.ai1 that will not cet hard in oil. The THE Af "K8SM E.N (UKTUUUSM P.KAL. City fax of 15 have been V'ltced In my hands I' londa. region and services his church in Pittsford for collection. All persons muueu luereiu are reuireu BOOKS.

Miscellaneous, Story and Picture Books. Standard Religious Works, bcripture Wall Rolls, os pel Hymns all styles. Latest Aids to Bible Study. BIBLES. are resumed.

trade will bear in mind that none is genuine unless ih. inventor's name, date of patent and trade to pay tne same Irtuors mo uiu uaj ot ueuemuor nou follows: The Ladies' Missionary society of the 1 ie come iuv A Cottage by the Sea. mark is stamped on the label For sale by OSGOOD BRIGHAM, I pun all sums remaining unpaid on the 81st day of 74 and 76 Main Street. Tinntfat church. Pittsford.

will meet this i.ilv ih. fdUwlut rtiaruefl will be added-. (Wednesday) afternoon at the house of Mrs. If paiQ alter ine aist uuy 01 juiy anu on or nuiora thniilHtllaVOf Auifll.t. O.NK VK.A CKNT.

Large variety of sizes and prices, including the John lutne. No. 7 Front Street. Sole Agents for Rochester. It paid afiur tUe Slst day of Aunust and on or before thcthriaT of Remember.

TWO l'Ett CENT. Rev. W. C. Burns is expected to return to Fairport with his bride from Michigan it paid after tue Jutn uuy 01 peptemfcer ana on or l.Vch day of October.

THHaU PER CENT. TEACHERS' BIBLES. the contesting delegates from Rose. Ho has been conceded the delegates from Galen, Huron and Savannah, while his friends cluim Williamson and Bodus. T.

W. Collins, the present county judge, is a candidate for renoniiriatlon. He will contest the town of Lyons with George arver, who is a candidate for sheriff, for the Lyons delegation to the county convention. It is announced that if Mr. Collins should lose his own town, he will withdraw from the canvass.

The friends of that een-t mnandMr. Carver claim the town for their respective leaders. 8. M. Norton, of Newark, is also a candidate for county judife wiU have the delates from his own wn, Arcadia, and also from Wolwoith, P'lmJrr- Wnds have not FOR THE FEET.

RELIEF this week. The Free Will Baptist church, If paid stier uie 10m (lay 01 nciooer anu on or oe-foretlieillst iay ot October. FOUR l'Kil CENT. Fine bindings and cheaper frradea, containing 400 ESTABLISHED 1855. If naid on or after the 1st dar of November and on of which he is pastor, and the community For quietness, pure air and a grand outlook, go to Highland Part, only twelve minutes' walk from the terminus of the Bay Railroad at the lake, overlooking the lake for ten miles hills, vales and groves in the rear Lots 50x200 feet, only 259 Highway to city.

Privilege on beach. FRANK VAN DOORN, Signs and Banners, THE CLARK NOVELTY COMP'Y Contractors and Manufacturers of or t.e ore the 15ih day of November. 11VH FEii CKNT. generally will Pve them warm welcome. Eugenia Fisher left Chili station Sat Dr.A.D.Buell, Interest win re cnanrea upon ail sums reroaminc un pages leacuers' jaeipg.

Sunday Schools supplied with Periodicals. Mue Books, Records, etc. 0. D. GR0SYEN0R, STATE ST.

paid after the lirh day of Novemoer, la addition to Metal Specialties.Small the above lees, he rate of twelve per cent, per an THIS urduy by the West Shore road for Flushing, Imo- Island, where she is to teach the com- num, arraru ue iBsuea lor tne collection 01 alt sums remaining umiald on the 15tn day of December. ciiQr.rnN CHIROPODIST, 13 Rochester. 1. 1. TTiiat end Beehive Building).

Estimates ih. old liu-a'lon. I.lfi Rev Iiit veur Anna A. Fisher commenced her riven. with re-) ana interest as above, together wttu collect or- tfou.

juua A. DAVio. Treasurer. CHAS.II.CLAltlL Man'r. bkaai work a specialty.

aZIS? irn" Bn'ons. Nails. triwithVuiiuln. Pvarte iwlwXgcbMbw. TANLEY'3 CONGO.

fourth year as preceptress of Wyoming seni- i i i 1 STEELE AVESY. inrv. KiDtrsion, oepisuiwer u. maita a contest in tug.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.